Economic and Community Development
With the elimination of California redevelopment agencies, KBB has successfully transitioned its practice from what was primarily redevelopment law to a more expansive and active municipal law practice. KBB’s expertise in redevelopment land use and finance matters is being utilized on behalf of its municipal clients in the areas of zoning adoptions and amendments, general and community plans adoptions and amendments, subdivision and tentative mapping, taxable and tax-exempt municipal financing, affordable and market-rate housing, billboard and messaging display vehicles, professional sports stadium and arena venues, as well as major concert and music venues. While KBB does not serve as bond counsel for its municipal clients, its familiarity with the California property and sales tax system has been quite useful in its participation as special counsel with municipal and public financing involving the formation of various bond or assessment districts and related financial alternatives and vehicles for capital outlays, as well as municipal debt and equity financing and security. As special counsel, KBB has integrally participated with the issuance of tax allocation bonds, certificates of participation, lease revenue bonds, and mortgage revenue bonds.
Other tools that may be utilized by redevelopment agencies to accomplish their purposes include property management, the provision of assistance and payments to persons and businesses displaced by redevelopment, demolition, clearance, project improvements and site preparation, small business development, rehabilitation loans and grants, hazardous substance release cleanup, and expenditures for the increase, improvement and preservation of the community’s supply of low- and moderate-income housing.